Monday, January 10, 2011

Animation Domination

That's the name of the Sunday night lineup on Fox, has been for a few years, not sure when it really started. The Simpsons of course has now been running for something like 30 years and while it's heyday is behind it, still is good enough to watch. Family Guy, people either love it or hate it and while its peak was shorter than The Simpsons, it's still a show that I find interesting and will continue to watch.

Futurama used to be on Fox and they really need to look into bringing that back for a 3rd AD show. I believe that American Dad is now done for as Bob's Burgers debuted tonight.

The death of American Dad is a welcomed decision. It definitely made sense to give Seth Macfarlane a shot at another show with the cult success of Family Guy on Adult Swim, leading to a delayed outbreak for what is now network tv's second most popular cartoon. That said, American Dad was just not funny. It was too similar to Family Guy in setup. Dad in power role of the show, him being out of touch with reality the driving force of the comedy. There's a wife who doesn't add much to the show, two kids, again with the daughter being older and then Stewie is replaced by a less funny goldfish and Brian with a very annoying alien, Roger. After the first episode, I wasn't sure, but figured I'd watch a few. But my opinion never changed. It just wasn't funny and Roger annoyed the piss out of me. I'm sad to see AD now on Adult Swim.

Also now on Adult Swim is former Fox show King of the Hill. I loved the idea of the show, thought it had potential, but never felt it really lived up to what it could have been. Mike Judge did the best he could with the way MTV screwed his career. Judge's Beavis and Butthead was a popular MTV cartoon in the 90s, but MTV took ownership of the show and shut it down, not allowing Judge to take it anywhere else to profit. While this was another hit or miss show, it was Judge's creation and shame on MTV for not allowing him to take it elsewhere considering all MTV did was shove it into a storage room to collect dust. I think I've seen some episodes on a cable channel over the past year or two, and it wasn't MTV, so maybe now they're letting it out a bit, but there will never be new episodes. That tangent about B&B came of course because Hank and Peggy Hill from King of the Hill were younger versions of B&B's overly annoyed at the stupid teenage Beavis and Butthead. That had potential for more, it just didn't connect.

The Cleveland Show is just awful. Take it off tv now. At the time it was announced, people said really...the most boring Family Guy character gets a spinoff? I get that it was a bold move and a creative idea to go against the show's more popular characters, but man, is that show just painful to watch. It's less fun than American Dad and on equal ground with King of the Hill. I would much rather see a spinoff of Joe's police career before moving to Quahog as a spinoff. Quagmire would be interesting, but I think it'd be the same thing over and over again. I'd watch it for a while, but I think it would have less potential than a Joe spinoff.

That brings me to tonight's new show, Bob's Burgers. Yawn. I'll tune in another time or two to see if they attempt to change the humor around at all, but color me not impressed with the pilot. The kids are very annoying, the wife is dull, and Bob, that's why I'll watch a few more before deciding. If my prediction is correct, Fox has another dud animation comedy on their Sunday night lineup. What are they going to do when it's finally time to put down The Simpsons and Family Guy?

As I said above, bring back Futurama. It had a short run on Fox and is a great show. I love it more than Family Guy.

There really aren't any other animation shows out there that would find success if Fox picked them up. A few people I know love Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but I'm not one of them. Just can't get into it. The Oblongs was interesting for an episode or two, but I got tired of it. I really liked Home Movies, but I could see how that show could get stale fairly quickly and it wouldn't transition well to a nationwide audience. God, the Devil, and Bob was a fun show, but was only around for a season, I believe. I think it could transition to mainstream if given a chance, however.

Bring back Clerks? I'd be behind that idea, especially with the movies seeing commercial success.

My only other suggestions would be to make a cartoon spinoff of Trailer Park Boys, one of the best shows few people have ever heard of. I'm not sure if you could bring back the real cast for a mainstream show, it's more suited for a cable network with its content, but I just felt like plugging it anyway.

Anyway, that's my thought of the day after watching some Sunday night cartoons.


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